Case study

May The Thoughts Be With You
– From Book to Product

Charlotte Reed won LicenseThis! 2016 with her brand May The Thoughts Be With You - a book of inspiring messages and illustrations that Charlotte created as she struggled with debilitating depression.

As one of LicenseThis! 2016 judges, Clare found her story to be very compelling and spotted the commercial potential in her positive messaging.  Conversations ensued and over the course of the next few months, we talked about her goals and ambitions for her brand and how Larkshead might assist Charlotte on her licensing journey. 

We signed a licensing deal in May 2017 (how appropriate!) and with the help of Nic Davies at Smart Designs worked on assisting Charlotte with developing her first style guide. Selecting a range of images from the hundreds created by Charlotte guided by her social media following, her direct interaction with her customers at Portobello market and also the commercial appeal of certain characters such as “Betty”, her cat and “The Shoeless Guru”.

As part of her winner’s package, Charlotte was awarded a small stand at BLE 2017 and we supported her at the show and enjoyed a successful few days chatting with licensees and helping the wider licensing community understand more about May The Thoughts Be With You.

Charlotte’s first licensing deal was signed soon after and we have continued to work closely with her in terms of both licensing and promotional opportunities.  Her ranges include publishing, gifting stationery, toiletries and ceramics.

In 2020 Charlotte’s range of Half Moon Bay products was a finalist in the gifting category at the Licensing awards.

Most recently we have secured a film option for her life story – supporting the next chapter of Charlotte’s licensing journey.


In 2020 Charlotte’s range of Half Moon Bay products was a finalist in the gifting category at the Licensing awards.

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Most recently we have secured a film option for her life story – supporting the next chapter of Charlotte’s licensing journey.